Saturday, May 29, 2010

The End Has Come!

You cannot see me (which is probably good) but I am doing the dance of joy! My very difficult year (probably the worst of my teaching career) has ended. Our last day of school was yesterday. The kids only came from 8 to 10:15, but they lived large during that time. They were absolutely WILD. We signed autograph books, watched the end of JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE EARTH (the kiddies actually remembered their Earth Science I taught earlier in the year - when Brandon Frasier said they'd landed on Muscovite, my kids shouted - "They're toast! That's like paper!" They also remembered the workings of volcanoes, so they actually got more out of the movie than one would expect. That was definitely the up side to the day. Most of the children brought cameras to take photos of their buddies. Most brought cameras their teacher wished SHE could afford. The topper was when my biggest trial swaggered in with a $600 digital camera/recorder (then bragged that it was all his, but not as good as his mom and dad's cameras). My poor throat suffered horribly trying to talk over my hyped up kids, but 10:15 finally came and they were out the door. I was sad to see some of them go, while others I almost wanted to kick out the door. I've always said that MAY is why I do not teach 6th grade. The hormones and attitudes ... WHEW! It is just too much. So - now we are on to next year. New principal, a new fifth grade teacher on our team, and new kids. A fresh start, which is really the best thing about teaching school.

Yesterday was also Bailee's last day of school. She had a wonderful time, spending the afternoon with a group of her buddies for a "School's Out" party. We also took her out to dinner at Olive Garden (her favorite place in the world) to celebrate her promotion to 6th grade (gasp!) and straight As on her report card. She ordered her usual appetizer of Lasagna Frittatas and the Tour of Italy. She snarfed down the appetizer and a good deal of her meal. There's some left over for today - which is another favorite of hers - LEFTOVERS! She's already planning next year - she wants to be the Arabian Princess in NUTCRACKER, and she is planning on running for president of the student council. Next week she will start Summer Ballet Intensive at Bridusa-Moore Ballet Academy in Pocatello. I'll be driving 5 giggly ballerinas down everyday for three weeks. It should be .... fun.

Our weather continues to be - bizarre. Pouring rain today. Cold. Spring has just not come to Idaho this year. Bailee and I are eager to get the garden in, but we haven't even been able to get it tilled yet - too wet. This is very frustrating. I am determined that it WILL happen this week - despite the fact that they have predicted SNOW for today. Yes. Snow. I may have to shovel off the garden in order to plant! Good grief!

Despite the foul weather, we are going to the Farmer's Market today. Aunt Dalene is going to be set up at the one closest to us and we need some of her fabulous Shea Butter lotion. Be sure to check out her Whatever Floats Your Goat site on Etsy. They make great stuff.

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