Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Patience is a Virtue - and nigh unto impossible!

Bailee the Beautiful

Caribou - the cute

I do not like being sick. I do not do sick well. I have no patience for it. I don't enjoy it. I resent it. It is exceedingly unpleasant for my family to have me be sick. So ... I am now entering month #2 of my "sickness." In desperation, I went in to an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. He confirmed that I am "a mess." I have a deviated septum, which (while not severe) complicates things. My allergies have added their complications as well. I also have a bacterial infection that has taken root in my sinuses, throat, and upper respiratory system. Ick. He has me on some new meds, and also had some blood tests done. I go back in the second week of June.

On the up side, I am feeling a little better. On the down side, my voice sounds like a long stretch of gravel road. That's complicated by school. I need to be able to shut up and let things heal. I'm also finding that side effects can have their own special cache. Ick. Also, as a result of my cough-a-thons, I have severely pulled one of my ribs. I do alright most of the time, but when I try to go to bed - OW!

Grandma must have been feeling left out, because she went out and had a car accident on Monday (while Diana and I were both at the doctor). We are thankful that Bailee and Gram were not seriously hurt. Grandma is pretty badly bruised, but otherwise fine. Physically, I should say. She is pretty upset over the whole thing. Her Explorer wasn't badly damaged, but the Sienna she hit had to be towed away (Explorers are the Bighorn Sheep of the vehicular world). She was also cited for following too close. The lady in front of her hit her brakes and Gram couldn't stop in time. This was her first citation EVER, so she was devastated. Like I said, so long as everyone was unhurt ... that's all that really matters.

Happy news in Idaho. The levy in Diana's school district failed to get the needed supermajority. It failed by 72 votes. Frustrating. This levy was the one they run every ten years to maintain the school buildings for the coming ten years. I guess some folks just want to let the building go to heck.

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