Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Here we are, and it is Thanksgiving again. I have a great deal to be thankful for, even though I sometimes dwell on the frustrations of life. The economy has been rough and our financial situation could certainly be better; but we have secure and stable jobs. We don't have to worry about being unemployed (unless the Idaho Tea Partiers succeed in doing away with public education). I have a wonderful class this year, and good people to work with. My job is difficult, but there are very few people who have a job as important as mine. Despite what the legislators think, I have a job that really matters and changes the world. I am thankful for that opportunity to touch the future.

I have been blessed with a wonderful family. Mom is still in good health, Diana is doing better with her back fusion all the time, and Bailee is a delight. We couldn't ask for a better child. She has wonderful friends, varied interests, and she makes great choices in her life. She keeps us all very busy, but that is a blessing as well! Living together as we do, things could be so much more complicated. I am thankful that we have found a way to make this multi-generational household not only work, but work well. We love one another, and we support one another. What could be better?

We're safe in our warm home today. Preparations are being made for our dinner. The blizzard is over, and we came through just fine. Granted, I don't get to enjoy much of the feast today thanks to a tooth extraction that had complications, but I am thankful for drugs that help me to endure the pain and discomfort. I am also thankful for a tolerant family that takes care of me. After six days of this, I am sure they are sick of me. Heck, I'm sick of me!

The holidays are about to start, and we seem assured of a white Christmas. I'll be able to get into the dentist to deal with my dental issues (as opposed to dealing with the symptoms) next week, so I can see a light at the end of this painful tunnel. We have some ideas on how to make the most of our finances, and there may even be a way to get Bailee her dream Christmas gift. Life is pretty good all in all, and I'm pretty thankful.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Schools have been cancelled all week. Roads are closed all over the state. I have to say, I don't remember EVER having a blizzard in November before! Something tells me that this winter is going to be a whopper! This is the view from our front door, looking northeast up Eagle Pointe. I took this during a lull in the storm, when you could actually see across the street!
This is a shot of our backyard. You can see our poor plum tree, which was a victim in the first heavy snowfall. It hadn't lost its leaves yet - so it didn't stand a chance. We tried to knock off the snow, but as you can see - we didn't get to it in time. We're all SO sad, as this tree was our heaviest producer.

This is the view of our back deck. This table gives you an idea of how much snow has fallen. Whoa!

This cold weather is perfect for making applesauce though. Bailee and Grandma have done several batches together.

She loves to run the food mill, which really helps her grannie out. She's becoming quite the little chef.

Halloween Photos

Idahoans really like to decorate for Halloween! Here are a few photos taken of our neighbors' homes. You can tell that we had a BEAUTIFUL autumn.

Bailee enjoyed celebrating the holiday at several parties with her friends. She was a candy corn fairy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've Been Busy, Okay?

Time definitely gets away from me sometimes. Well, honestly, it gets away from me most of the time. I guess that happens when you have a busy life - and we certainly qualify for that! I promised a few pictures, so now it is time to deliver.

This photo was taken of one of our beautiful double rainbows we had this fall. We had the most beautiful autumn weather! It only fell apart on us a week ago, with the arrival of a wicked snow storm that is still much in evidence thanks to the snow on the ground. Still, we were very fortunate while it lasted.
The highlight of the fall was the studio performing at SPUD DAYS in Shelley, Idaho. Yup. They dedicate a big celebration to our famous state tuber. This photo is of Bailee and her best buds Mary and Aleks in a dance called "The Streets of Paris." Aleks's hair fell out of her bun and she lost her headpiece as they rushed on stage after a too quick costume change.

This photo is of Bailee and Aleks's duet to the song "Fireflies." When they did it last spring they had fiber optic headpieces that were really cool. Didn't work for a brilliantly sunny day in September though.

The next photos are of Bailee's solo to "Classical Gas." The only photos I got (that turned out) were of the beginning. Sorry. We designed and made this costume together.

This summer Bailee discovered that she could finally climb our tree in the front yard. It was a perfect place to hang out with the Jenkins girls and read a book.

All those lovely leaves have fallen and the weather is now gray and snowy. Fun to remember those warm afternoons though. I promise I'll do a better job on the blog and getting pictures up in the future. School and life in general has just been SO crazy!