Saturday, January 9, 2010

The First Week of the New Year

Going back to school was really difficult this week. The roads were terrible, and I didn't relish what waited for me at the end of them. I am still having a really hard time dealing with this new principal and his cold, aloof style. I just can't seem to get past the feeling that he doesn't like me. When you add the fact that this has been one of the most challenging classes I have had in decades - well, it was small wonder that I was dragging my feet.

Looking on this as the proverbial band-aid that you have to just rip off -- I did. I plunged in and did my best. The weather certainly made things challenging, as temperatures dipped into the subzero range once again. I am having a hard time remembering a winter that has had this many cold spells in it. Cold weather means keeping the children inside ALL day. They don't want to go outside, but inside breaks just aren't as satisfying (and they let you know it). I am depending on games and videos to keep them entertained. This week I taught them how to play some games from the Revolutionary War era (since that is what we are studying). They really enjoyed them, which surprised me! They also watched "Howl's Moving Castle" on the installment plan. I had tons of kids from other classrooms that found their way to us, so I guess the movie was popular. I must say that the animation was beautiful.

Life at home was also crazy, as we jumped back into the whirl of dance. I ferried Bailee to classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday and then waited for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours in the car. I had plenty to do, but had to keep starting the car due to the chilly temps. My gas mileage is certainly going to be abysmal this week! Bailee is really excited because Nic Gili is home while the Atlantic City Ballet is on hiatus. He's teaching classes for the studio, and she's loving it.

Our temperatures are a little warmer today, which is a blessing since I have lots of errands to run. Here's hoping that we continue to see a warming trend (for you friends in the sunny south and balmy Pacific coast regions that means temps in the 20s and 30s).

I started going to the 8th Ward for church last week. This was the original ward I attended when we moved here (before they split the ward and created the 25th Ward). The 25th Ward is meeting at 1 pm to 4 pm this year, which means that I end up seeing very little of my family on Sunday. The 8th Ward meets from 9 am to noon, which is a much better fit. I also have to say that I loved how quiet this ward was by comparison. Heavenly! I could actually hear myself think AND feel the Spirit. The 25th Ward is NOT long on reverence, so this has been a pleasant change.

We're now all bracing for more education cuts here in Idaho. Governor Otter said he will be doing a midyear holdback. That will be especially difficult since schools have already made commitments based on the current budget. Finding places to make up for the coming losses will be brutal Our custodial staff has already been told that their hours will be cut. That is SO unfair! The true "fat" in school budget is never touched. Maddening.

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