Sunday, October 28, 2012

Checking In. Yes, We're Still Alive

This picture was taken during one of the many dance workshops Bailee attended this summer.  This one was taught by Risa Mochizuki, who is from Japan - but works as a professional dancer in Romania.  Bailee adored her.  She was also thrilled because she was actually taller than Risa.  HOPE!  You always hear that ballet companies prefer taller dancers, and that worries Bailee.  She's still growing though.  I'm hoping that she might still his 5'5".  Maybe.  We'll see.

This is a photo of Bailee and her friend, Mary, plus one of their "fans."  Bailee is currently working as a teaching assisstant at her dance studio.  It's her first real job, which is pretty cool.  The "fans" she's garnered are a hilarious perk.  They are so stinking cute.  I'm finding many of the "fans" show up at The Dance Shop" to purchase "clothes like Bailee's."  So funny.

I am continually thankful for the friends Bailee has made at dance.  They're crazy when they get together, but they are so good with one another.  None of that Dance Cattiness one hears about.  They are very supportive of one another.  Such good friends.

Silly, aren't they?
I love that Bailee is passionate about dance.  We just finished our Red Ribbon Week - which is geared at keeping kids off drugs.  It has been proven that the whole "Just Say No" mantra does not  work when it comes to keeping kids off drugs.  Instead, the research is saying that if a child has something they are passionate about, they are the most likely to stay  drug-free.  So, we're thankful.
Besides, when you see your child pull off something like this ... you have to be proud. 

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