Sunday, October 24, 2010

Monday Eve

We've moved in to the portion of Sunday I refer to as Monday Eve. We're thinking about the work week and all that lies ahead of us. It's going to be a busy week.

I have some major dental work scheduled on Wednesday. No fun. I would MUCH rather be at school teaching my kids. We also have our big PTO Halloween Carnival scheduled for October 29th. Our class is in charge of a portion of the Spook Alley. I've never done one before (nor gone to one), so I am depending on the kids for advice and help. We also have no money for supplies to make the thing, so I am begging for decorations and props from parents. So far I have some spider webs. Not too hopeful, and I am pretty nervous about this.

Studio One begins touring local schools with PETER AND THE WOLF this week. The next two weeks should be insane. Luckily, there are two casts touring, so Bailee won't have to miss too much school - only 3 or 4 days.

Our weather has skipped merrily past fall into winter. The wind is howling, skies are dark, and snow is predicted. What a joy!

Yesterday was the busiest day ever! Bailee had dance practice at 7:30 am to 12 noon. Diana and I used the time to do the months shopping. We hit Sam's Club, Wal Mart, and Albertsons. On the fun side, we went out to lunch and a movie with our friend Peggy. We saw RED, which I can give a big thumbs-up to. We really enjoyed it.

1 comment:

  1. Bailee danced at Hawthorne and I was able to see her! She was beautiful!
