Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just in TIme

The break has arrived (and just in time) but the weather is refusing to cooperate. Our skies are gray, the wind is blowing, and the temps are on the chilly side (32 degrees at the moment - how depressing is that?). This does not feel like spring or like Easter. Unfortunately, it does feel like the usual Conference weekend (the LDS General Conference is being held this weekend in SLC). I am crying foul! I had hoped to be able to get outside and do some yard work.

I guess the break will have to be devoted to cleaning house and reading. One needs to be done and the other I enjoy, so I can't really complain too much.

Post fashion show - Bailee has been exhausted. She has been sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. Now, she was sick during all the practices and during the show, so we are hoping that her malaize is due to the fact that she pushed herself too hard. HOWEVER, we heard that mono was going through the hair academy ... and they were using common makeup. You wonder. I have to say that I was not impressed by the whole affair, though the show did raise over $6000 for the local women's homeless shelter. I'll provide a link when they have clips available on the event.

I haven't been very faithful about taking photos lately. Something I hope to repent of in the coming week. I just never remember. Life is so frantic.

I just finished reading an rather compelling book called "City of Bones." Very gothic, very compelling, and an interesting concept. I polished it off in two days. I hear that they're making it into a movie. Should be interesting.

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