Friday, September 4, 2009

Can We Agree to Disagree?

When I arrived home from school the other day there was a photo and article about the man who shot the first wolf during the sanctioned "Wolf Hunt" here in Idaho. It was hard to miss, as it was crossed out in angry x's made by a black marker. The marker was weilded by Bailee - who loves wolves. This has been a long standing issue in our house, first started by our governor "Butch" Otter's vocal support of this hunt months and months ago. Bailee's ire was raised then, and it has not diminished. She is passionate about these creatures ... a feeling that started when we took her to the Grizzly/Wolf Discovery Center in West Yellowstone many years ago. It was strange to watch, but there was a connection between our tiny little one and the wolf pack there. They followed her as she walked along the exhibit. Okay, did she look like lunch? Diana and I joked about it until she parked herself on one of the benches and all the wolves sat down too, like they were attending an audience with the queen. It was, in a word, a little odd, and it just became odder. The wolves were fascinated with her. They watched her intently, with cocked heads, and large wolfish smiles. Some of the younger wolves got down into that "play pose" we've seen with our dogs. What was really odd was the fact that the wolves totally ignored the other children that were running about the exhibit. I've never been able to explain it. Was it the fact that she was quiet amid all the usual crowd and chaos? Was it the fact that she looked different from all the other bland Caucasian faces? Who knows?

Bailee came away from that visit loving wolves, so this week and the resulting news coverage has been upsetting to her. She doesn't understand hunting for sport. She might be able to grasp ranchers and farmers hunting wolves that are a problem on their land ... maybe. She does not accept men buying a tag to go out to kill a wolf for the thrill of the hunt. I have to admit that I am pretty proud that she doesn't. I don't believe God placed animals on this planet to be killed for thrills or the sport of it all. I know Bailee doesn't believe that either.

I have to admit that I admire wolves as well. Their social structure is interesting. Their communication is complex. Their family units beat some human families - no contest (I've taught children who would have been better off raised by wolves as opposed to their parents). They're beautiful, and I'm glad that God included them in his creations. As for man ... I think we have a lot to learn about what it really means to have stewardship over this planet.

All in all, this is not one of the weeks that I have been proud to live in Idaho. Quite frankly, I am ashamed. From candidate Rex Rammell's jokes about selling "Obama Tags" (then refused to issue any kind of apology) to school districts caving to right-wing pressure to ban President Obama's speech to school children - I want to deny any connection to this state.

I think we need to take a serious look at ourselves and the message we are sending to the world. It is not a pretty one. I hear too many voices filled with hatred - and they are so loud that no one can hear anything else. Perhaps, that's the idea.

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