Sunday, January 22, 2012

What a Week!

This has been one of "those" weeks. 

Diana has had a bad week.  She nearly passed out at school, and found that her blood sugars were down to 50.  Yipe!  Her colleagues panicked and fed her too much sugar, which sent them up to 300.  Double yipe!  Gotta get that girl to carry glucose tables!  She took the rest of the day off and went right in to the doctor.  Found out that the cause was a severe sinus infection.  She's on meds now (some pretty heavy duty ones), and is doing much better.  Pretty scary though!

Bailee had her presentation in science, and had to dress to the nines for it.  I'm sorry, I think that her teacher was out-of-line on this one.  I have no problem with asking the kids to dress up, but saying that only a fancy dress (no skirts or simple dresses) will be acceptable isn't right.  Especially when she allowed the boys to wear "nice jeans."  I guess if we thought that kind of inequality was a thing of the past, we were wrong.  Boo!  The worst part was that one student took over 30 minutes for their presentation and there was no time for her to present.  Maddening.  She looked pretty though.

Bailee also had a FULL week of dance.  Busy girl.  She spent her allowance for the month in one fell swoop on Saturday.  She had her nails done.  She is such a girly girl sometimes.

Those are crushed sea shells on the end.  Who would have thought?  Bai also came to work with me last night.  She (and her friend Mary) modeled a few items so I could add the photos to the studio/shop website.

This has been one hectic week for me as well.  My stupid, it's always something, van had to go into the shop for $800 worth of work.  Ouch! That meant we were down to one vehicle for four days.  Pretty crazy trying to get everyone where they needed to be.

 At school, we had some of the teachers come in on Wednesday from the junior high to observe how we differentiate instruction.  I'm used to being observed, but you still feel a little stress
ed --- are you doing what they came to see?   My principal and our head teacher also told me they want me to apply for this state award for math/science teachers.  I find that kind of thing embarrassing.  It also looks like it's going to be a LOT of work.  I also don't think I have a chance in the world of winning.  I'll do it though.  Our school needs the money.

On a personal note, found out that two more people I know have been diagnosed with cancer.  One is already beyond medical help.  Also, one of our first year teachers found out that her unborn baby has a tumor in its lung ... and that it is starting to send tendrils toward the heart.  She goes down to Salt Lake this coming week for tests on the child's viability.  If they can, the doctors will take the baby and operate immediately.  If that isn't possible, they will try to operate in utero.  Poor girl!  She's not only frantic that she will lose her baby, she's terrified that she will lose her job because of the new state laws which stripped teachers of all our rights.  So sad.  I also found out that one of my old college roommates is having more health problems.  She's had a terrible year health-wise, and I am really worried about her.  Seems like everyone you meet is being absolutely hammered by problems these days.  It's easy to get discouraged, but I'm going to keep chanting my new mantra:

You only fail if you give up!

All we can really do is just keep walking forward through these troubling times.  I also read a quote on Pinterest the other day that said:

It will all be okay in the end.  If it is not okay, then it is not the end.

I'm holding that thought close too.  I'm thankful that we're all relatively healthy, happy, and that we have a wonderful little girl that is the center of our world.  She keeps us smiling - that's for sure.

Now, to end with a funny story about Mom.  Last week she came upstairs with some frozen food.  She walked up behind the rocking chair in the living room and started talking to Bailee's giant bear which was sitting there about the food.  We were all staring at her ... this is where Diana USED to have her chair, and it was obvious that she thought she was talking to Diana.  A simple mistake, right?  However, when she walked around to the front of the chair and shoved the food in the bear's face and demanded to know why it wasn't answering her ... well, that's when we lost it.  Too funny!  We sure needed the laugh at the moment.  Thanks Mom!


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