Friday, November 13, 2009

It's ALL About Dance

Well, there she is. Clara, in almost all her glory. Right now (and for the next several weeks), our life will be consumed by ballet. Everything and every waking moment revolves around Nutcracker. It's a grind, for sure, but when you look at that little imp - well, you really don't care. She's doing well, and we are really proud of her.

Practices are six days a week now, and usually run around 2 to 3 hours. I am thankful that Bailee is staying healthy and still enjoys it all. Most kids complain about practicing, but she actually seems thrilled to go every day. She has never lost her passion for dance. In fact, it merely seems to grow.
Meanwhile, I am sick with what the PA at Community Care referred to as "almost a sinus and ear infection." Good heavens! If that was an "almost" then I am glad I missed out on the real deal. I have been miserable. Headache, body aches, sore throat, stomach ache, and an earache that had me sure my ear drum was about to burst. I feel somewhat better today, but still did not go in to school. It was a workday, and I figured I could do that at home just as well (and not have to be civil to anyone while I did it).
Diana has finished her Parent-Teacher Conferences, so her life is seeming MUCH better today. They are so stressful, as you always have to tell some parents things they absolutely do not want to hear. I am glad that we are both done with them until the new year. Now all we have to do is get our kiddoes through the holidays.
The weather is dreary and cold, but it's November, after all. I wouldn't mind seeing some snow, but Mom is adament about NO SNOW UNTIL DECEMBER! I personally like winter. I think it is nature's way of telling us to slow down already! I am more than willing to hibernate for the next few months. A season of good books read in front of a fireplace sounds like a slice of heaven to me. I certainly wish we HAD a fireplace. Oh well, maybe someday. Until then I'll satisfy myself with a warm house, a cozy throw, and that good book. (Which right now is H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds.")

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