Monday, May 11, 2009

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The GOOD would be Bailee. She had her piano recital on Monday, May 11th, and did a nice job. She had to run to the recital straight from dance, so was a little frazzled. Her hair looked less than fabulous, and we realized that she had a hole in the leg of her dance tights. Oops. Oh well. We'll call it our testament to the fact that we are one busy family!

The BAD would be Caribou. Who else? I don't know why, but he developed a passion for fiberfill last year. He has to maniacally shred any toy or bed that contains the stuff. I don't get the attraction, but he thinks that filling his kennel with the fluffy white stuff is heaven on earth. This is big fun for the resident American Eskimo dog - could he think that the fiberfill is snow? He also has a manic passion for snow, so it COULD be so. At any rate, I returned from work one day to find him in quite a state. He had shredded the quilt in his kennel (again), but had somehow ended up trapped inside of it. As you can see, he was not amused. Somehow, the fun of fiberfill had lost its allure. I know it won't last, but I did get a chuckle out of his disenchantment with his favorite toy.

The UGLY would be ISATs. Thank heavens they are now over. We scored a 96% in Reading, 76% in Language, 84% in Math, and 79% in Science. Now it is time to celebrate and enjoy school again. This week we're making and launching rockets (if the wind will allow it). Only 12 more days of school remain!

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