August 24th was the first day of school for the children in our subdivision. It was a pretty big day. Everyone was excited to get back to school and thrilled with their teachers. I'm glad that our kids have such a good attitude. I certainly wish that more kids shared it. For some, school is nothing more than a way to interupt their Wii/Nintendo/Playstation time. Such a pity.

Bailee loves everything about fifth grade. She has come home bubbling every night. She is such a good kid! We have certainly been blessed to have her in our lives. She turned 11 on the 26th. That is so hard to bleieve! It seems that she was just a little six-month-old fresh from Vietnam just a few seconds ago. People have always told us that childhood goes by so fast. I am determined to continue to savour every moment we spend with Bailee. She is such a treasure!

One of the great things about this stage is the way her mind works. She thinks up the most interesting things! Our little "partners in crime" - Bailee and the Jenkins' girls, are creating a scrapbook about their WebKinz stuffed animals. The little stuffies are having all sorts of adventures during the girls' photo shoots. Put it down as another great memory!